Importance of Marriage in Hindu Culture

Marriage in Hinduism is a sacramental union of man and woman, it is regarded as an important social institution of human civilization. Satpatha Brahmana describes a wife as the ‘ardhangini’ meaning half of man. Marriage is a union like no other union, it is a union of mind, body, and soul. It is a union not only for the present life but for all lives to come. The union is not only for the present world but also for other worlds. Marriage bonds two individuals for ultimate eternity. A man and a woman enter into wedlock in order to perform the religious and spiritual duties to uphold the principals of dharma.

Vivah Sansksar marks the beginning of Grihastha Ashrama. It symbolizes an important stage of life and this marks the beginning of a delicately balanced journey of kama so that the family enjoys the fullness of life leading to moksha.

Marriage validates man and woman living together and sharing their lives, doing their respective duties so that they can involve in procreation for the continuation of life upon earth, so as to keep the divine order and the institution of the family intact.

Marriage lets you participate in the act of birth and bring forth the child as your progeny. Vedic tradition describes marriage as the instrument by which a man perpetuates himself through his progeny. The pure joy of raising the kids, and experiencing all those beautiful first moments when they have discovered how to do things on their own is a wonderful blessing a married couple can enjoy.

Marriage is a social and family responsibility to preserve a divine centered life in which self-realization is the reason for its continuation. In this divine and beautiful journey, a comradeship of a perfect life partner is very important. We at help you in making the right choice in your life.

  11th November, 2020